Another New York bachelor has been taken off the market, and no, I’m not talking about Marcello Hernandez. I’m talking about former New York City mayor-turned-playboy Bill de Blasio. After he and his wife, Chirlane McCray, announced their separation (not divorce!) in 2023, de Blasio fully embraced the chaos of single life in the city. He spent three hours making out with a woman at a rooftop bar. He wined and dined another, sending her home on the sad subway after a date in Soho, and even blew up another woman’s marriage. But now, de Blasio is ready to be a one-woman man. At least, that’s what he says.
The lucky lady is Nomiki Konst, a political analyst and journalist who is 22 years de Blasio’s junior. The ex-mayor announced their relationship by texting — yes, texting — the New York Post the news. “Nomi and I have started a really lovely relationship, just in time for Valentine’s Day. We’ve known each other for a long time and are very kindred souls,” he wrote, adding a red heart emoji.
If you were wondering about the pair’s Valentine’s Day plans, don’t worry — de Blasio sent the Post another text with details of their Friday night agenda. “We’re going to cuddle up and watch romantic movies and drink Greek wine, in honor of Nomi’s heritage,” he wrote. Why does that sound kind of nice?