I don’t remember all of the details of the day I met my very first friend, but I remember what it felt like. It was the first week of Kindergarten, and I was a shy kid, so I was likely hiding behind a tree or some other solid object. When my eyes met a classmate who looked just as timid, we instantly felt safe with each other. Since then, I’ve learned that comfort is how many of us feel when we’re around our best friend. But those instant connections made on the playground don’t always last. Some will stay best friends forever, while others eventually grow apart. And while we tend to think we’ll meet our best friends in our formative years, that’s not always the case.
As you get older, instead of a singular number one bestie, you may find that you have different best friends for specific aspects of your life. You might have your best friend at work, your best friend from your hometown, your best friend from college, or that unexpected best friend from a class you took once. You might even feel that despite all your scenario-specific BFFs, you have never really had a true best friend, and that’s okay. In fact, many people are destined to find their best friend much later in life. If you’re one of the following zodiac signs, your bestie might still be on the horizon:
Bold and brave Aries are likely the most straightforward people in their friend group. They say exactly what’s on their mind, so their best friend must appreciate that candor and understand their fiery spirit. When Aries were growing up, that signature fire might have caused conflict in their first friendships, especially if their friends were fellow fire signs or clashing water signs. Aries are often so independent in their formative years that they may think it’s easier to eliminate close friendships altogether instead of maintaining them.
However, as Aries get older and gain confidence, they’re drawn to friendships that reflect their own steady boldness. They’ll seek out a best friend who values honesty and respect—someone who can always tell them the truth and isn’t afraid to hear it themselves. Aries are often better suited for close friendships when they’re older because they’ve learned to channel their ambition into friendships. They will show up for their friends no matter what and always have their bestie’s back.
Aries looking for a best friend later in life should try rekindling an ex-best friendship. Even if the friendship didn’t work out the first time around, now they might see and accept you as you truly are.
We mostly think of Leos as people who love the spotlight and tons of drama, but they can often be misunderstood. Ultimately, Leos are driven by self-expression, which can take the form of creativity, leadership, or simple acts of loyalty to their friends. Loyalty is essential in Leos’ friendships, and that takes time to cultivate. Earlier in life, Leos tend to bounce around friend groups because of their natural ability to draw people in. By nature, Leos can mold into any group, so they often don’t have a constant best friend.
Leos are more likely to look for a close friendship when they feel settled and creatively fulfilled later in their lives. At this point, they’ll be ready to shed their social butterfly status and seek further depth. They might meet their best friend when they’ve just achieved a long-awaited career milestone. Or, they’ll find their best friend when they need inspiration to keep working toward the next one. When Leos step into the spotlight knowing who they are, they’ll be ready to find a best friend to share the stage with.
Leos should keep an eye out for someone who understands the vulnerability beneath their classic Leo exterior. This person will cheer for them and always be there to make them feel grounded.
Aquariuses are probably most well known for living life on their own terms and making friends while they do it. While Aquariuses are very social, they’re also not afraid to fly solo. When they’re younger, they are often more focused on the future and all the possibilities that lie ahead. They’re not afraid to set out on adventures, near or far. During this time, they might form a big group of friends all over the world but simply don’t have time for a best friend. After all, when you can make a friend anywhere, why do you need just one bestie?
However, when Aquariuses meet a potential best friend later in life, they will know it instantly. At this point, they will have spent years trying new things and have probably seen it all. These experiences have honed their instincts and will help them find (platonic) love at first sight. Their best friend will likely be just as adventurous as them but flexible and able to roll with any plan. Confident Aquarius will find their new best friend and never look back.
Aquariuses searching for a best friend should seek someone willing to keep innovating, changing, and adapting. This best friend will prioritize necessary boundaries but always be up for an adventure.