Lady Gaga, who pulled double duty as host and musical guest on SNL, isn’t afraid to show off her versatility as an artist during the night’s opening monologue. “I’m an actor!” Gaga proclaimed before reminding everyone of a movie we’ve been trying to forget. “I’ve been very diligent about selecting films that would showcase my craft as a serious actor. Films such as Joker 2… Joaquin (Phoenix) and I even got nominated for a Razzie, which is an award for the worst films of the year. We won for Worst on Screen Duo.” However, she’s taking the positive with the negative with her new title. She continued, “But joke’s on them. I love winning things, and my Razzie brings me one step closer to an EGOR. It’s like an EGOT, but it’s hurtful.” A win is a win and in a few years, surely Joker 2 will be considered camp. Wait… Is that a word we’re supposed to be retiring?